GET WOKE, GO BROKE: PR Expert: ‘Bud Light Lit Brand on Fire, People Pouring Beer Down Their Sink.’

Gareth Boyd, the marketing & PR director at Forte Analytica, says Bud Light lit its brand on fire and has lost touch with its core audience with the ad campaign.

“I really cannot understand their approach for this because their core audience just cannot relate,” Boyd said.

“Cutting your core audience in the hope you can draw a completely new audience in, who haven’t been exposed before, doesn’t make sense.

“Most U.S. families are exposed to their father drinking the beer, or other family members, but it has never been seen as the cool beer.

“In terms of what they did this year was good, with the Superbowl, but now they’ve come off the back of something really good and lit it on fire.

“Kid Rock is the poster boy for Bud Light, and for someone like him to come out and shoot cans it tells you a lot about the reaction from their core base customers.

On the plus side, maybe Bud Light drinkers will give better beers a try.