ROGER KIMBALL: Don Lemon gets away with a slap on the wrist.

As for promoting policies that actually harm women — for example, encouraging confused men to parade around in women’s clothes, compete on sports teams against women, and even mutilate themselves in a vain attempt to become women — well, such insane policies have the bad housekeeping seal of woke approval. So they are firing on all cylinders in politically correct redoubts like CNN.

So Licht welcomed Lemón back from his little timeout. This morning, Lemón issued one of the those grating mock apologies that minor celebrities emit when caught out in some misdemeanor. “I appreciate the opportunity to be back on @CNNThisMorning, today,” the mildly chagrined mouthpiece tweeted. “To my network, my colleagues and our incredible audience — I’m sorry. I’ve heard you, I’m learning from you, and I’m committed to doing better.”

Note that Nikki Haley was not mentioned in this mock apology.

Not that it matters, of course. Nikki Haley is not going to be president, but she is still very much in her prime. Something that no one would say about the pathetic Don Lemón.

Considering the question was asked in August “Is Don Lemon the Next to be Purged from CNN?,” he really must know where all of the bodies are buried at CNN in order to not lose his (low-rated) job.