FASTER, PLEASE: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott unveils plan for statewide TikTok ban.

Abbott is moving forward on plans to ban state employees from using the popular video-sharing app TikTok. On Monday, the Republican leader unveiled a statewide model security plan outlining objectives for state agencies to “address vulnerabilities presented by the use of TikTok and other software on personal and state-issued devices.”

Following a December 2022 directive from Abbott prohibiting employees from downloading or using TikTok, which is owned by Chinese company Bytedance Ltd., on government-issued devices. He also ordered the Texas Department of Public Safety and Texas Department of Information Resources to develop the plan to guide state agencies on managing personal and state-issued devices used to conduct state business. State agencies have until Feb. 15 to issue their own policies to enforce the statewide ban.

Earlier: Wray warns about ‘threat’ posed by TikTok’s connection to China’s government.

(As Steve noted in November, “Wray Was Too Busy Weaponizing the Bureau Against Trump and Conservatives to Notice Until Now.”)