DON SURBER: We are letting weirdos run things.

The media hailed Sam Brinton as the first transvestite to serve as the deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy.

The rest of us knew bald, mustachioed men in dresses should not be running the government because if they cannot govern themselves, how can they govern others?

And Brinton cannot. As expected, he crashed and burned. He has been charged with stealing women’s luggage at two airports. The Biden administration canned him. If the charges are true, they show a man who is a slave to his impulses. He needs a checkup from the neck up.

But he’s LGBT and therefore exempt in our society from rules and standards.

For example, if a Christian teacher began talking about the Bible and his weekend at a religious retreat to his kindergarten students at a public school, he would be fired so fast, his Bible would spin.

But half the country now believes LGBT teachers have the right to blab about their weekend orgy. A law to ban this kind of talk in Florida faced opposition from Disney.

As Glenn wrote in the New York Post on Tuesday: Biden’s return to ‘normalcy’ brought us crazy instead — like Sam Brinton.