DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE: Editor of Prestigious Psychology Journal Fired for Soliciting Criticism of Tendentious Article by Black Academic Claiming that Color-Blindness is Akshually Racism.

That led to a petition, published December 2 and signed by over 1,000 psychologists, that called for Fielder’s dismissal — and, shortly thereafter, to an email from Robert Gropp, the executive director of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), which publishes the journal, arguing that Fiedler had violated the journal’s “diversity and inclusion policies,” according to an email obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. Gropp demanded that Fiedler resign or, he said, “the APS will move forward with terminating your editorship.”

Fielder told the Free Beacon on Tuesday that he had submitted his resignation, adding that Gropp and his colleagues never asked for his version of events.

Though Roberts, the Stanford psychologist, was invited to reply to the critiques, which are forthcoming with the journal, he pulled his paper after becoming convinced that the debate was “rigged” against him, he told the Chronicle of Higher Education. He then published the paper on a preprint service, PsyArXiv, on December 2, along with his email exchanges with Fiedler, which he claimed provided evidence of his unfair treatment–and, he implied, of Fiedler’s own racism.

Plot twist! I never saw that coming!

More at the link.

…”In some ways, there’s no news here,” Jussim said. “This is now normal in academia.”

Yup. There is no more academia, there is no more science.

How long before the bridges start collapsing, planes start falling from the sky, and people start getting the wrong limbs amputated on the regular?

You mean more bridges start collapsing, right? We’ve already had at least one where political correctness led to its collapse: The 2018  Florida International University pedestrian bridge that killed six and injured eight, but whose engineers were praised beforehand for their environmentalism and gender equality.