LINCOLN BROWN: So, Where to Now?

Cruz is particularly irked that McConnell pulled $8 million from Blake Masters’ campaign. Masters has said that he would vote against McConnell. Cruz said McConnell would prefer to hang on to his position as minority leader rather than see a GOP majority in the Senate. On the House side, the Freedom Caucus has made it known that it is thinking about finding someone to challenge Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House.

And of course, much has been made about the negative impact of Donald Trump on the elections and the developing rift between the Trump and DeSantis camps. While there is a chance The Donald may announce he is not running in 2024, he wouldn’t stage an event to do that. Judging by the number of articles and comments, people seem to be moving in the direction of wanting to thank Trump for his service and ask him to move on.

So while we sweat the results of the last few races and fret about the outcome of the Walker/Warnock runoff, we need to ask ourselves what we do next. Despite factors like inflation, crime, and immigration, much of the country indicated that it prefers the status quo. Perhaps these voters could not bring themselves to admit that they were wrong and wanted to give the Democrats one more chance. Who knows. Republicans remain at a disadvantage when it comes to messaging and money, and sweat equity. Whatever else you want to say about the Left, its people work hard during election season.

We can campaign all we want, dethrone McConnell, block McCarthy, and even fire Trump. We can also learn how to maneuver in a world in which balloting has been made so convenient that now it takes days instead of hours to count the votes. But we have to change the game on the ground.

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