THE ERROL MORRIS SERIES “FIRST PERSON” just came out on DVD, and I’ve been greatly enjoying watching one episode at a time. Each episode is an interview with one person, done with Morris’s brilliant Interrotron technique. Yesterday, I watched “The Killer Inside Me,” about a woman who was quite pleased about the fact that she’d had a sexual relationship with one serial killer and then sought out a second serial killer (in prison) and got him to fall in love with her. This is a fabulous DVD set, but I have one big complaint. Every time you start one of the discs, before you can get to the menu to select an episode, you have to watch a long, jarring message about how pirated DVDs are stealing. I bought my DVD set, so this message isn’t aimed at me, but I’m forced to listen to crude, pounding rock music and have shaky flashing images and the word “STEALING” strobing at me each time I want to watch one of the 17 episodes. It was bad enough to have to watch it once, but 17 times? That’s just crazy!