KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: Biden Regrets That People ‘Twisted’ His Promise to End Coal.

A joke was going around that President Joe Biden visiting Pennsylvania could only help candidate John Fetterman lose. As it turns out, Biden’s trip to California might hurt Democrats with Pennsylvania voters more than appearing in the Keystone State did.

As PJ Media’s Kevin Downey Jr reported yesterday, Biden decided to tell voters that his administration would be shutting down coal plants all across America and transitioning to wind and solar power during an unnecessary trip to California. Last I checked, no one will get beyond the margin of cheating to beat Gavin Newsom.

The White House, the Democrat National Committee, and Chuck Schumer must have all choked on whatever they were eating or drinking when they heard the president’s comments. The Pennsylvania Senate race is neck and neck, with Republican Mehmet Oz closing a 12-point gap in the last six weeks. Democrats are also running a stroke victim who can’t complete a coherent sentence and has admitted auditory processing issues.

Why would the Democrats choke when Biden uttered the above clip? Biden has repeatedly talked about eliminating coal and fossil fuel, and so has every major Democratic presidential candidate in recent years. You don’t get to breakout the Men In Black mind eraser just because there’s the midterms are looming.