JUST NBC THE PRO-CHINA PROPAGANDA! Video: CNBC’s Jim Cramer Goes On Bizarre Pro-China COVID Lockdown, Vaccine Propaganda Rant, While Pfizer’s logo is proudly displayed behind him.

Financial analyst Jim Cramer appeared to confuse the hell out of his CNBC co-hosts Tuesday by going on a bizarre rant about Chinese COVID lockdown and vaccine propaganda being a good thing.

The context for the strange outburst is that news of China potentially easing COVID restrictions and re-opening has seen improvements in the stock market.

China’s change in direction after months of brutal lockdowns is reportedly to be headed up by the nation’s chief propagandist.

And that’s where Cramer came in to sell the ‘good side’ of propaganda, noting that we only think of propaganda being bad because of “regimes we didn’t really appreciate.”

Cramer further stated that he doesn’t see any problem with suddenly locking people down without warning, even in giant theme parks, reasoning that he was able to get his own COVID test results back within a day.

“Let’s just go back over, I think chief propagandist, I call that person a dissembler, so to speak. But they have a narrative in which basically you can conquer COVID by just being locked down, and this has to change the narrative,” Cramer continued.

He then argued that China stealing and back engineering Pfizer’s vaccine is also a good thing.

“What is even better is homegrown mRNA, which I’m told they managed to get the intellectual property, stole it, which is good, and I say good because it’s better to have mRNA than not,” Cramer said.


As Jim Geraghty wrote in October of 2019, when the CCP-NBA connection exposed for millions of Americans to see: We’re Not Exporting Our Values to China — We’re Importing Theirs.