BLAKE MASTERS IS BRINGING THE FIRE!WOOF! This ad is something else!”

It’s not a typical campaign advertising boogie man scare tactic, either. For an uber-pricey Kelly campaign event (tickets ranged from $100 to $5000) held yesterday,

the invitation/ticket reservation information sheet had the following requirements listed:

An advisory by the Mark Kelly for Senate campaign that children over the age of two or people who don’t disclose their vaccine status would be required to wear masks to a spendy fundraiser has sparked interest on social media and outraged physicians, who question both the efficacy of masks and any adults that would force a child to don one.

“We are asking attendees to voluntarily disclose their vaccine status at the door. Those who are vaccinated are asked to bring proof of vaccination and (either a vaccination card or a photo of a vaccination card) when checking in at the event. We are asking that people who don’t disclose their status, over the age of 2, wear a mask indoors and outdoors. Mark Kelly of Senate will only use vaccination information for the purpose of determining safety protocols for in-person Campaign events in compliance with applicable state, and local, or federal relations (sic) related to such events. Vaccination information will never be stored. The health and safety of attendees is Mark Kelly for Senate’s top priority. Even the Campaign’s best efforts can’t eliminate all risk from COVID-19, and so attendees assume the risk by choosing to attend this event.”

They don’t seem to be able to help themselves, do they? Kelly’s big on the vaccination thing and, in August of 2021, said people shouldn’t be b*tching about masks if they weren’t going to get shot up.

Elsewhere in Arizona politics: Kari Lake Has the Perfect Response to Liz Cheney’s Ad Buy Against Her.

“So in addition to throwing away the money this late in the season, it looks like Cheney is also helping get Lake elected. How delicious is that? The last poll, the Fox 29/InsiderAdvantage poll, had her up by 11 points.”