LIBS OF TIKTOK: I tried the Left’s new social media platform and was banned in 20 minutes.

As if Twitter wasn’t biased towards the Left enough, the Left has their own new alternative to Twitter and Facebook: Tribel Social.

According to Tribel’s Twitter bio, the platform is “an innovative Twitter/Facebook alternative that’s free of hate, fake news & bots.” In other words, a platform to shield the fragile Left from the pain caused by their cognitive dissonance.

I came across a tweet from October 17th claiming the platform doesn’t “…censor any posts. [The] algorithms simply filter out fake news, bigotry, and hostility” and I thought this was a great opportunity to put their claim to the test.

I opened an account and posted a few messages, the first reading “Men cannot get pregnant.” Others included “men cannot become women and women cannot become men,” and “Joe Biden sniffs little girls.” Immediately, the Ministry of Truth went into overdrive. Tribel users began reporting and even misgendering me!

In less than 20 minutes, my account was suspended and I was banned from the platform. Tribel posted statements categorizing me as “racist,” “transphobic” and bigoted.

At least they gave the platform an appropriate name.