JUST A PINCH OF RADICAL CHIC: Insurrection: New York Times Promotes Sabotage, ‘Guerrilla Warfare’ to End Fossil Fuels.

In January of 2021, The New York Times promoted a book titled How To Blow Up a Pipeline by transparently radical author Andreas Malm. On Thursday, the Times directly promoted Malm by publishing his guest essay under the headline “History May Absolve the Soup Throwers.” That’s too tender a headline, for Malm thinks soup throwing at a Van Gogh painting isn’t optimal:

I tend to think sabotage is most effective when it is precise and gritty. When activists from the same group smashed gas stations in April this year, they hit the nail on the head. Gasoline, unlike a van Gogh painting, is a fuel of global warming. There is a whole planetary layer of stations, pipelines, platforms, derricks, terminals, mines and shafts that must be shut down to save humanity and other life-forms. When governments refuse to undertake this work, it is up to the rest of us to initiate it. That is the rationale for sabotage: to aim straight for the bags of coal.

While the Times routinely rails against the “insurrection” on January 6 and sees all “domestic terrorism” as a right-wing problem, it promotes a climate insurrection and left-wing domestic terrorism. Malm explicitly champions sabotage and violence — even guerrilla warfare! — as an efficient path to ending fossil fuels[.]

In accordance with the prophecy:

And speaking of America’s Newspaper of Record: To Protest Contributors To Climate Change, Leonardo DiCaprio Glues Self To Self.