ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Veteran Hollywood actress turned activist Susan Sarandon tweets video of trash in Oakland.

Veteran Hollywood actress and political activist Susan Sarandon took to Twitter Monday to share a TikTok video showing a stretch of Oakland lined with homeless encampments and trash. The video, which Sarandon reposted from an account belonging to homelessness activist, Thomas Wolf, is shot from what appears to be a car driving along streets lined with tents, makeshift structures, discarded furniture and piles of trash.

There are no people visible in any of the shots and the only sound in the video is of the car’s engine.

Sarandon’s post has no caption, but the original post reads “This isn’t a shanty town in India. This is Oakland, CA. The crisis of our generation.”

Oakland’s last Republican mayor left office in 1977.