COMMIES: Xi wanted China to be at the tech frontier. 5 years on, tensions with the U.S. have dented that goal.

Xi Jinping once declared China should “prioritize innovation” and be on the “cutting-edge (of) frontier technologies, modern engineering technologies, and disruptive technologies.”

Since that speech in 2017, Beijing has spoken about technologies it wants to boost its prowess in, ranging from artificial intelligence to 5G technology and semiconductors.

Five years since Xi’s address at the Communist Party of China’s last National Congress, the global reality for the world’s second-largest economy has transformed. It comes amid an ongoing trade war with the U.S., challenges from Covid and a change in political direction at home that have hurt some of Beijing’s goals.

Communist regimes aren’t very good (I’m being kind here) at the efficient resource allocation, risk-taking, and tolerance for failure required for innovation.

We’re getting worse at those things, too.