TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE! Demented Liar Joe Biden: Beau Biden Died In Iraq. (Jake Tapper Isn’t Running a Snarky Chyron Here, But If He Did, It Would Say: “No He Didn’t.”)

It’s so Different When Democrats Do It (TM)!

But here’s the interesting part. Qiu is the paper’s designated “fact-checker.” So, if Biden is habitually spinning yarns that unravel, she must be busy with Biden checks, right? No. She hasn’t “fact-checked” Biden since Aug.20, 2021, on the Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco under an extremely mild headline: “Clarifying Biden’s Take of Evacuation.”

A peek at her archive of articles since then includes at least 14 “fact-checks” of Republicans and/or conservatives. This 14-to-1 imbalance in target selection would remind you of PolitiFact — which makes sense because that’s where Qiu worked before joining the Times.

Qiu avoids noting that Biden has repeatedly lied about being “shot at” in hostile territory.

Jake Tapper’s snarky chyron says: “No, he wasn’t.”

President Biden on Thursday told State Department employees he was “shot at” overseas — reviving a claim that previously stirred controversy.“You have great personal courage. I’ve been with some of you when we’ve been shot at,” Biden told a group of diplomatic aides in Washington.

Biden did not offer a detailed description of being shot at. But he was forced to walk back a similar claim in 2007 as veterans warned him not to exaggerate.

Biden said during a CNN-hosted Democratic presidential debate in 2007 that he was “shot at” inside Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone.

He later revised the claim, saying that in fact, “I was near where a shot landed.”

To be fair, Obama-era staffers routinely exaggerate their wartime peril: