I would be embarrassed to conduct an interview with the president that was as lame as Scott Pelley’s lovefest with President Biden on 60 Minutes last night. The Biden administration accorded Pelley a substantial amount of time to chat with Biden and Pelley returned the favor with a variety of softballs and dropped balls as well as his own apologetics — to no one’s surprise, of course, but still. It was an embarrassment.

CBS has posted the transcript here. NewsBusters covers the Biden segments in “State-Run TV: 60 Minutes Drools Over Biden in Syrupy Interview.”

The lack of follow-up questions was one striking feature of the interview. You’d almost think that Pelley himself doesn’t follow the news. He appears to be somewhat less knowledgeable than the average voter.

And not for the first time: CBS’s Scott Pelley Loses a Fight Rigged in his Favor.

Instapundit, April 2nd, 2017.

Related: “As Biden told us, the proof is in the pudding. Unfortunately for America, that pudding is between his ears,” Jim Treacher writes, adding, “This is why Biden doesn’t give many interviews. Every time he speaks into a microphone is worse than the last. He’s writing the Republicans’ ads for them:”