DISPATCHES FROM WEIMAR AMERICA: Tinder Generation Can’t Find Love.

Suzy Weiss is a 27-year-old journalist who is bright, thoughtful, and very lonely. She’s also wondering why Tinder and other apps like it have failed members of her generation.

Tinder and other apps like it have failed members of her generation.

Writing at her older sister Bari’s Substack “Common Sense,” Suzy claims in an article called “Generation Swipe,” that “Tinder promised it would revolutionize romance.” So far, however, it appears to have failed not only her, but her peers as well. And she wonders why.

Part of the problem can be found in the first paragraph, however:

“Every generation thinks they have it the hardest when it comes to finding love, but it’s hard to look at mine and conclude that we don’t have a good case. Never before have young people been having so little sex …”

Perhaps it’s because she and her generation equate sex with love. They’ve bought into the lie that lots of sex means happiness, that women can enjoy carnal pleasures like men, and that this is how to find your soulmate.

My mother’s generation, however, believed that good girls don’t, and while bad girls seem to have all the fun, men want to marry good girls. Trouble is, however, that now lots of men don’t want to get married. And some, notes Weiss, don’t even want to have sex, believe it or not:

“By the time my parents were my age, so the meme goes, they had a house and two kids. A lot of men in my generation aren’t even having sex.”

Earlier: “The ’90s was the last of the great decades, because after that, computers killed the world.”