WHEN A DEM LOSES CNN and ABC…: ‘It’s Wrong:’ CNN Blasts Biden for Using Military As Backdrop for ‘Battle’ Speech.

A producer for ABC pointed out an obvious but important truth as well:

Meanwhile, even CNN talent was unnerved by the display. Chief National Affairs Correspondent Jeff Zeleny took issue with the staging of the Marines behind Biden for such a political speech, calling it a “break with White House traditions.”

CNN’s Brianna Keilar joined in the criticism as well saying the positioning of Marines behind Biden for a speech like Thursday night’s “flies in the face” of the idea that America’s military is “supposed to be apolitical.”

As one wag joked on Twitter, “Can we all bow our heads a moment in solemn memory of the White House advance man who will be found in Fort Marcy Park tomorrow.”

UPDATE: Biden’s ‘blood red’ backdrop steals show in speech attacking MAGA.
