RULES FOR CONSERVATIVE RADICALS: Clever Billboards Pointing Out the Democrats’ Radical Excesses Pose Questions Republicans Must Answer.

One of the most interesting phenomena in politics at the current moment is how the left wing of the Democrat Party reacts when the Right points out what it is doing. First, the Right notices. Then Democrats tell us that it isn’t happening. When someone from the Right proves it is happening, the Left asks why we care.

To capitalize on this little dance, a group named Citizens for Sanity is placing billboards and ads all over the country pointing out the worst excesses of the radical Left.

The initial billboard slogans point to some of the worst ideas on the radical Left:

  • “Protect Pregnant Men from Climate Discrimination.”
  • “Open the jails. Open the borders. Close the schools. Vote progressive in November.”
  • “Violent criminals deserve our compassion and respect. This fall, stand strong for progressive values.”

The group also launched a six-figure ad campaign addressing the controversy over boys playing girls in sports leagues if they identify as female.

Much more like this please.

(Classical reference in headline.)