TAYLOR SWIFT’S PRIVATE JET HYPOCRISY: Taylor Swift finally faces the woke mob.

It’s been four years since pop superstar Taylor Swift went full lib. After years of speculation over her political leanings (her silence on issues led some to believe she was a secret Trump supporter), Swift urged her fellow Tennessee residents to vote against the “appalling” and “terrifying” Republican Marsha Blackburn for Senate.

“I will be voting for Phil Bredesen for Senate and Jim Cooper for House of Representatives. Please, please educate yourself on the candidates running in your state and vote based on who most closely represents your values,” Swift wrote in an Instagram post.

Since then, Swift has been outspoken about her pro-choice, anti-gun, and anti-Trump views. But unlike some of her fellow left-wing celebrities, Swift has somehow avoided being accused of not being woke enough. Katy Perry, a former foe of Swift and alleged subject of the song “Bad Blood,” has taken heat for cultural appropriation in her music videos. Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel apologized for past incidents of blackface. Demi Lovato was dragged for visiting Israel.

Alas, recent reports of Swift’s private jet usage finally suggest she’s not the woke hero she makes herself out to be. The digital marketing agency Yard discovered that Swift’s planes emit more CO2 in seven months than 1,184 average people would in an entire year. She apparently has two jets (how luxurious!) that took 170 trips in just 200 days this year, and the average flight time is just 80 minutes.

Yet rather than say she was sorry and promise to “educate herself” and “do better,” as the PR-crafted celebrity apologies usually go, a rep for Swift tried to pass the buck.

“Taylor’s jet is loaned out regularly to other individuals,” her spokesperson said. “To attribute most or all of these trips to her is blatantly incorrect.”

Ah, well, in that case everything is totally fine! The carbon emissions are offset, you see, by Swift’s generous lending of her private plane to her less wealthy friends. Isn’t charity great?

I don’t want to hear another word about Glenn Reynolds’ carbon footprint.