EMBRACE THE HEALING POWER OF “AND:” Robert Reich either doesn’t know what causes inflation or is counting on the stupidity of the American people.

This year, Americans have found it increasingly difficult to not notice that everything’s a lot more expensive than it was at this same time last year. Those infamous $0.16-off hotdogs now cost more than ever, along with the watermelon and corn and potato salad and ground beef and bread and clothes and gas and cars.

And thanks in no small part to the rising prices and costs for basic goods and services, the Democratic Party is on track to lose pretty big in November and Joe Biden’s poll numbers are on a plummeting downward trajectory. So dear old Robert decided yesterday to try to do the Dems a solid and echo one of Joe Biden’s favorite narratives and blame GrEeDy CoRpOrAtIoNs for all of it:

If questioned, Reich would likely respond, “I claim no higher truth than my own perceptions. This is how I lived it.”