TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE! Biden Gets Snippy with Reporter Asking a Not-So-Tough Question—Non-Comedy Ensues.


REPORTER: “Economists are saying recession is more likely than ever.”

BIDEN: (Interrupts): “Not — the majority are not saying that. Come on, don’t make things up, OK? Now you sound like a Republican politician. I’m joking. That was a joke. That was a joke. But all kidding aside, no I don’t think it is.”

He’s got jokes, ladies and gentlemen.

On a side note, I wonder if the reporter was more offended by the president accusing her of making things up or sounding like a Republican? This we will never know.

On the plus side, Jimmy Carter and Obama are thrilled that their reputations are suddenly getting propped up in comparison with Biden’s disastrous performance.