GET WOKE, GO BROKE: Disney Groomers Get Wrecked: Lightyear Projected to Have Terrible Opening.
Unlike the three other highly anticipated franchises to debut since May — “Doctor Strange” (Disney), “Top Gun: Maverick” (Paramount), and “Jurassic World: Dominion”(Universal) — Pixar’s “Lightyear” (Disney) will be the only one to open under $100 million. Projections are around $75 million, which might be a generous assessment.
How long will it take for Disney to get tired of plummeting stocks and lost revenue? Will they continue to put the LGBTQWTF cult agenda ahead of the bottom line? If history holds, they will continue on this self-destructing path just to send the right virtue signal to an audience that cannot keep Disney in business. That’s what you get when corporations get overtaken by social justice warriors. The message is more important than keeping the doors open or the shareholders happy. They literally don’t care if 90% of you hate it; they’re going to push it on you in spite of that and enjoy doing it.
My favorite review of Lightyear is this one from Robbie Collin of the Daily Telegraph. “The problem with Pixar’s latest feature isn’t just that it’s the animation house’s dullest, dreariest, most spiritually empty to date. It’s that it fails even on its own painstakingly contrived open-goal terms.”
Why is it “spiritually empty?” Because the values behind it: far-leftism, critical race theory, and LGBTQ+ cult programming are all philosophies that are not rooted in truth but in deception. And the audience feels it whether they know why or not. Woke culture is a spiritual vacuum. It is a religion without any moral code other than forced compliance and punishments for those who disagree. There is nothing true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy within it. There is nothing but darkness, fear, force, anger, resentment, and envy inside those philosophies. You will comply or you will regret it, is not the winning message they think it is.
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