HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN: Fifty Years After Watergate, A Generation of Frightened Editors. The Washington Post’s strange journey from ousting Richard Nixon to ousting Felicia Sonmez.
One voice I’ve missed in the mini-uproar was that of the Post’s owner, Jeff Bezos. He’s held forth lately on Twitter about how he thinks President Joe Biden is mishandling inflation, but not about the recent turmoil at the Post, or even the broader cultural challenges the episode represents. This is a missed opportunity. The reality is that editors and other managers at values-based institutions are only as strong as owners allow them to be.
In sharp contrast: SpaceX fires employees behind open-letter campaign against Musk: “It blows my mind that people are actually arguing that a commitment to free speech means you would tolerate your employees undermining you and your business in public. Are you guys f**king high?”