PJ MEDIA VIP ROUNDUP: Don’t forget that VODKAPUNDIT promo code if you’ve been thinking of joining us.

Matt Margolis: Here’s Another Woke Reboot You Don’t Have to Watch. “It looks well-produced, and I was briefly intrigued. But that was short-lived, because Amazon Studios made no effort to hide the series’ woke agenda.”

Kruiser: Liz Cheney Looks Like She Knows She Sold Her Soul. “Should she manage to get reelected (I covered how that might happen here), she’ll be the epitome of Republican in Name Only.”

Yours Truly: Passwords Are Going to Die. PassKeys Will Kill Them. “PassKeys — a coming industry-wide standard — can’t be hacked, phished, or guessed. In fact, users can’t even see their own PassKeys.”