THE STRUGGLE (SESSION) IS REAL: Washington Post reporters continue airing their grievances with one another on Twitter.

Washington Post reporter Felicia Sonmez continued to complain about her colleagues on Sunday morning after a retweet engulfed the newsroom in controversy on Friday.

Sonmez shared screenshots from what she described as public attacks against her by fellow Washington Post reporter Jose A. Del Real.

“When women stand up for themselves, some people respond with even more vitriol. Last night, a Post colleague publicly attacked me for calling out another colleague’s sexist tweet. He first hid any replies objecting to his attacks, and now seems to have deleted his account,” Sonmez tweeted.

Sonmez was referring to Del Real’s tweet, where he criticized her for airing her grievances with colleagues in public.

“Felicia, we all mess up from time to time. Engaging in repeated and targeted public harassment of a colleague is neither a good look nor is it particularly effective. It turns the language of inclusivity into clout chasing and bullying. I don’t think this is appropriate,” Del Real tweeted.

The turmoil at the Washington Post began when reporter David Weigel retweeted a joke that mocked women

“Fantastic to work at a news outlet where retweets like this are allowed!” Sonmez reacted.

Del Real has upped the victimhood stakes, however:

Glennwald’s whole thread on what he calls the Weekend drama at Robin D’Angelo Junior High is well worth a read.

As the struggle session plays out: WashPost Caught Stealth Editing Taylor Lorenz Lies About Comment Requests.