PJ MEDIA VIP ROUNDUP: Don’t forget that VODKAPUNDIT promo code if you’ve been thinking of joining us.

Matt Margolis: Trump vs. Pence Is the Battle the GOP Doesn’t Need. “It’s hard not to see that the Times is anxious for Trump and Pence to run against each other in a Republican primary. Why? Because it would be an utter disaster for the party.”

Megan Fox: Ancient Archetypes, Amber Heard, and How to Avoid Both. “Athena turned Medusa into a monster with writhing snakes for hair whose glare would turn men to stone. But her face remained so beautiful that men couldn’t help but look at her. You could say that on the crazy/hot matrix, Medusa was at the highest point in the danger zone.”

Yours Truly: One of Our Vice Presidents Is Missing! “The situation our ‘border czar’ was supposed to fix has gotten so bad under the Biden-Harris Administration (or is that Harris-Biden?) that it could be the setup to a not-funny Johnny Carson bit.”