GOODER AND HARDER, CALIFORNIA: USPS Cancels Mail Delivery in L.A. Neighborhood Amid Crime Spike.

Authorities have indicated they are familiar with the individual responsible for the January attack and have a record of “domestic” incidents with the suspect.

This is a recurring theme in California justice. A disturbed, violent individual severely injures (or worse) an innocent citizen and almost without exception it turns out that individual has a long history of interaction with law enforcement. They’ve simply been dumped back onto the streets by a feckless system that no longer has the teeth to hold and prosecute criminals or protect innocent taxpayers.

This suspension is not simply about one attack. It is a sign of a larger issue. “Defund the Police” initiatives, Prop 47, and a cold-hearted, ruling elite class have all combined to create a chaos that is nearly unbearable in the once great state of California.

Hence the Fresh Start States Welcome Wagon project.