JIM TREACHER: Feminists Demand: Get Your Wife in Line, Clarence Thomas.

Remember when America was this close to turning into The Handmaid’s Tale? Glad those days are over. Also, women are now the property of their husbands.

“Every woman is the author of her own life… er, unless we really hate her husband!” Libs will cast aside everything they claim to believe, just to gain a moment’s advantage. Then they wonder why we don’t trust them.

Ginni & Clarence are the new Bonnie & Clyde. Also, Hunter Biden has nothing to do with his dad.

If it turns out Clarence Thomas did something unethical or even criminal, let the chips fall where they may. But I don’t hate a black man for being a conservative on the Supreme Court, so I’ll leave the shrieking to the libs.

QED: Ilhan Omar: Impeach Justice Clarence Thomas because his wife texted Mark Meadows.

When did the leftist overculture become The He-Man Woman Hater’s Club?