ROGER SIMON: The Road to Serfdom—We’re Almost There.

How did it come to pass that what could have been an unpleasant, even severe, but containable health problem evolved into a civilization-destroying pandemic?

Even now, at this early stage, we must ask the age-old question, cui bono—who benefits?

The answer lies in a statement with which we have recently become all too familiar:

“You will own nothing, and you will be happy.”

Happy that COVID is over? Oh, no. Not really. They didn’t mean that.

Many now recognize that sentence for what it is—the marching mantra of the “Great Reset.”

For those who might still be confused, in a well-wrought article for The Epoch Times, Australians Gabriel Moens and Augusto Zimmerman clarify:

“The ‘Great Reset’ may be described as a radical international-socialist plan designed to ‘reset’ the world economy. The goal is to install a highly centralised, heavily regulated, totalitarian system akin to that of China’s Social Credit System.”

Ground Zero of this reset is the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, that glorious alpine redoubt cum airport for private jets miraculously powered by solar energy.

The leading progenitor of the “reset” is Klaus Schwab—co-author of the 2020 tome “COVID-19: The Great Reset.” He is joined by various tech billionaires, captains of industry, state leaders, and royals, all of whom, needless to say, have the interest of the common man at heart—at least they say they do.  (Remember: “You will be happy.”)

Those that espouse the Great Reset did not create COVID-19. For the moment we can assume that came from human error at the Wuhan Virology Lab. I hope we can anyway, since the deliberate release of the pathogen would be too horrifying to contemplate.

But they—the Great Resetters—seized upon the virus as an unprecedented opportunity to hasten their goals of global control. The CDC, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the World Health Organization (WHO) became in essence their agents with U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Anthony Fauci as their spokesperson. The rest is the dark history we have all been living through.

Despite some insisting otherwise, this devotion to, or more precisely exploitation of, COVID-19 is not stopping.

Related: Forget the Great Reset. Embrace the Great Escape. Video from Reason TV: