I WASN’T EXPECTING ABC NEWS TO GO FULL MCCARTHYIST, BUT HERE WE ARE: The View: It’s time for the DOJ to investigate Tucker Carlson for Russian propaganda.

Navarro is way beyond criticism. She wants government harassment of dissenters, nothing more or less. The good old days, according to Whoopi.

Carlson’s going to dine out on this clip for days. And he deserves to.

Amanda Carpenter has a piece today about the rash of Putin apologetics in populist media titled, “Russia Doesn’t Need Trolls This Time.” It’s a comforting illusion to believe, as “The View” seemingly does, that someone who would take seriously Russia’s claims about U.S.-made bioweapons in Ukraine could only believe such a thing because they’re on the take. Nonsense. They’re just nationalists who resent Americans’ instinct to favor liberal democracies over autocracies and are doing what they can to get people to question that instinct. When Carpenter says Russia doesn’t need trolls this time, she means Moscow doesn’t need a paid army of Russian sh*tposters posting disinformation a la the 2016 campaign. There are many populist influencers in the U.S. willing to do that for them for free, out of ideological or cultural sympathy:

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They’re not free-thinking contrarians. They’re authoritarians. But so is Navarro. Between her and Tucker, only one of them is calling for their political enemies to draw Justice Department scrutiny.

Exit question: If saying something insensitive about the Holocaust and then apologizing repeatedly is worth a two-week suspension from “The View,” how many weeks should you get for unapologetically trying to weaponize the federal government against felony wrongthink in the third degree?

As they say at David Horowitz’s Front Page, “Inside Every Progressive is a Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out.” The women of The View must assume Woody Allen’s The Front had a happy ending.