BETHANY MANDEL: Florida’s parental rights bill is not a ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill. It is a full-throated defense of moms and dads against the state-sponsored progressive brainwashing of their kids.

During a debate between Terry McAuliffe and Glenn Youngkin in October when both were vying for the governorship of Virginia, Youngkin said to McAuliffe, ‘You believe school systems should tell children what to do. I believe parents should be in charge of their kids’ education.’

In response, McAuliffe said, ‘I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.’

Youngkin’s message resonated with Virginia parents, and they elected him Governor over the favored Democrat.

The woke assault on childhood innocence in American classrooms is occurring nationwide.

In November in Virginia, parents reasserted their rights to have a say about what their own children were learning in classrooms.

In Florida, lawmakers saw what their constituents wanted. It wasn’t a ‘don’t say gay’ bill, it was a full-throated defense of parent’s rights.

It was a winning political issue in Virginia, and it will play out similarly in elections nationwide.

Parents see the kind of radical ideology progressives are trying to brainwash their children with and those who are willing to stand up against it.

Read the whole thing.