ROGER SIMON: The Ukraine Crisis Is On Biden.

Does anyone seriously believe that if Donald Trump were still sitting in the Oval Office, as perhaps he should be, Ukraine would be in the jeopardy that it is?

The Ukraine crisis is on Joseph Biden. And I’m not just talking about how he treated that country as his family’s piggy bank, with his son making a fortune off their energy giant Burisma while Joe himself threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor investigating the famously corrupt company.

Unscrupulous and immoral as that was, I’m talking about something even worse. I’m talking about how he made Ukraine a gift to Vladimir Putin.

On Jan. 20, 2020, Biden canceled presidential approval of the Keystone XL pipeline. That was followed by a slew of other actions on energy, eliminating the United States’ newly won energy independence and ability to export its surplus.

With all this, Vladimir might have fainted, if he ever does such a thing, at his good fortune.

It meant Germany, Europe’s powerhouse, as well as many other countries, would be more dependent on Mother Russia for warmth the coming winter (and many more) via the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Biden is now suddenly threatening to cut off that pipeline should Russia invade Ukraine. It’s unclear how he would do it. How long such a threat would last in the cold of a European winter isn’t hard to guess.

Whether his energy policies are the most destructive of his administration is moot. There are so many.

But it does rival the chaotic departure from Afghanistan that left behind billions in modern armaments for the Taliban, an intact Bagram Air Base with one of the longest military runways in the world as easy pickings for the Chinese (their nuclear development facility a mere hour away), plus untold thousands of our citizens and allies stranded in that most primitive of locations, and the women in the hands of some of the most misogynistic people on Earth.

As for Keystone XL, Biden backed up his ruling by similarly withdrawing presidential support this January for the Greek–Israeli pipeline. It would have helped fuel Europe while simultaneously aiding the economy of two supposed U.S. allies. (Let’s not even go into what kind of ally Biden really is to Israel, given his evident desperation to rejoin a renewed Iran nuclear deal. The only thing that may be saving him is the Iranians themselves seem to be uninterested in any kind of deal, just in stalling.)

Biden claimed to be ending support for both pipelines for environmental reasons. Does he really believe that?


Aren’t California’s High Gas Prices What The Left Have Wanted?

NBC, the Washington Post, and the New York Times in lockstep call for higher gas taxes.

● 2008 L.A. Times headline: “The joy of $8 gas.”

Exit quote: “Under my plan, energy costs will necessarily skyrocket…”

In other words, Obama administration retreads are following the same playbook as the original Obama administration: “We’re going to keep at it to ensure the American people are paying their fair share for gas,” is the perfect Kinsley Gaffe for an Obama administration retread like Biden:  As Steven Chu, Obama’s then-incoming energy secretary, told the Wall Street Journal in the fall of 2008: “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

So is it fair to ask if Biden is on the payroll of Putin? As Walter Russell Mead wrote in 2017:

If Trump were the Manchurian candidate that people keep wanting to believe that he is, here are some of the things he’d be doing:

Limiting fracking as much as he possibly could
Blocking oil and gas pipelines
Opening negotiations for major nuclear arms reductions
Cutting U.S. military spending
Trying to tamp down tensions with Russia’s ally Iran.

“Yep,” Glenn added in late 2019. “You know who did do these things? Obama. You know who supports these things now? Democrats.”

Related: Biden tormented by Republican guerrilla campaign and ‘I did it’ stickers.

Also: 100Pcs I Did That Biden Funny Car Stickers. #Resist #CommissionEarned