OCEANIA HAS NEVER BEEN AT WAR WITH COVID-19: Democrats Will Pivot to a ‘Return to Normalcy’ in Biden’s State of the Union Speech.

Democrats, panicking over their crumbling chances to maintain control of the House or Senate after the midterm elections in November, are casting about desperately for a way to alter the dynamic of the campaign and give themselves hope for a miracle.

he most recent generic congressional poll has Republicans up by six points — a number that would turn the midterms into a slaughterhouse for Democrats. And with Biden’s favorability equally underwater, Democrats know they have to do something in a hurry if they’re going to turn in a respectable midterm showing, much less maintain control of Congress.

With the State of the Union speech coming up on March 1, a growing number of Democrats are pointing to that date to begin the turnaround. They are urging President Biden to consider the bold move of lifting all mandates and restrictions that are within his power to do so.

“Not since the collapse of the Hindenburg Line in 1918 have such bitterly held positions been abandoned so quickly,” as the BattleSwarm blog noted recently.