JIM TREACHER: Stacey Abrams Drops the Mask.

This week, Stacey Abrams made history: For the first time ever, she actually contributed something useful to society.

Until now, Abrams’ main claim to fame was refusing to admit she lost the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial race. She’s gotten a lot of mileage out of that from her fellow Democrats, who hold her up as a martyr and therefore a hero. Now she’s running for governor again, which in her mind is actually a reelection bid.

That was going fine until this happened:

With one indelible image, Stacey Abrams has encapsulated the frustrations of parents across the country. Here’s an obese 48-year-old woman sitting maskless while surrounded by masked children. Abrams is at much higher risk of COVID than those kids are, yet the rules don’t seem to apply to her. She wants to condemn these tykes to a future full of masked faces, even while her ego won’t allow her to cover her own.

Read the whole thing.

While the reduction of masking requirements is in part battlefield preparation for the midterms, it was also likely driven by the growing backlash from voters seeing politicians posing unmasked, particularly with masked kids.

QED: Neo on The Mother “Realignment,” responding to the article on Bari Weiss’s Substack we linked to earlier in the week.

The article features women who previously were mostly liberal Democrats and a NeverTrump Republican. They are mothers activated to new awareness. They haven’t made the transition to Republican (except for one who started out as one), and that doesn’t surprise me. I doubt they ever will, although it’s possible. But they say they’ll vote for whoever helps their kids:

These women don’t really care about The Big Lie or Russiagate or filibuster reform. They could not care less about Big Abstract Theories Of Government. They traffic in hashtags like #TeamReality, #RationalGround and #SmilesMatter. After so many years of endless yammering about conservatives, neoliberals, progressives, alt-righters, the woke, the anti-woke, the only thing they really care about is what works. What is actually happening in the real world. What is being done to their children. And they are willing to vote for whoever can actually bring a return to normal.

I would ask them whether they think all these things are separate. Why is Russiagate and the deceptions involved with it not related to the lies that kept their children at home all this time? Wasn’t one party mainly involved – the party that most of them used to support? The same party that’s trying to get more and more power over their lives by (among other things) ending the filibuster?

True, but baby steps — at least they’re pushing back against the mask obsessives, which apparently is quite an accomplishment for some leftists: