JAMES LILEKS ON TERRY TEACHOUT: “We corresponded over the years, as many did; he was generous on Twitter, where he kept a running account of music and movies worth your attention. We would get into the weeds in DMs about certain films and actors, but the great pleasure was tossing back and forth a link or a photo to something that spoke to our common bond: Smallville. Our luck to grow up in a decent place in the middle of the country in the waning days of mid-century culture, and how it shaped us — sometimes by what we experienced, and sometimes by what we sensed about the time that immediately preceeded our tenure. For him, Smallville was small: see above. The downtown is much less impressive than Fargo, but of course it was different, once. Local stores, no doubt a bustling 5 and Dime. A lunch counter with the swirling smells of hamburgers and cigarettes. Unlike some who run off to the big city and paint themselves as special orchids who could not bloom in the arid land of flyover America, Terry was proud of where he came from, and regarded it with affection and rue. The mark of a good and generous soul.”
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