COLORADO: Minority leader confident GOP will fare well in 2022; statehouse majority ‘100 percent possible.’

If mainstream media outlets and political pundits are to be believed, the new redistricting for the Colorado House of Representatives has solidified the Democrats’ strong-hold on that chamber of the legislature.

However, if you talk to at least one man — who spends most his time studying the data and putting together a Republican election plan for 2022 — he’ll tell you different.

“I hope every Democrat reads that and believes it,” said House Minority Leader Hugh McKean, who represents House District 51, when asked what he thinks of all the hype around the new House districts map that was approved by the Colorado Supreme Court late last year.

McKean, sat down with Compete Colorado for an exclusive look at why the House map may not signal a continuing Democrat majority. Although McKean wouldn’t give away specifics, saying it’s part of a strategy, he outlined the Republican path to victory though the eyes of the man responsible for growing the numbers.

McKean has followed the redistricting extensively throughout the process, adding that he’s been over the data so many times there really is no other answer that he can see.

I hope he isn’t getting cocky.