PJ MEDIA VIP ROUNDUP: Don’t forget that VODKAPUNDIT promo code if you’ve been thinking of joining us.

Matt Margolis: Why Did Biden Flip-Flop on Executive Privilege of Trump Documents? “The Biden White House now says that releasing all the Trump administration documents the J6 committee had requested ‘could compromise national security and executive privilege.'” (With the accent on “executive privilege.’)

Athena Thorne: Democrats Build Back Biased Courts With Pseudo-Retirements and Record Appointments. “With their preposterous occupancy of the White House and fragile control of the Senate, Democrats are working hard to undo the Republicans’ progress in the arena of the federal courts.”

Yours Truly: NEW BIG DOG? Arms Sale Fail Shows Chinese Strength in Cold War II. “I’ll always believe that, ultimately, communist regimes are doomed, but right now I must admit that we might be in a situation perhaps nearly as likely to lead to war — but a genuinely more dangerous war — than 1939-41.”