PJ MEDIA VIP ROUNDUP: Don’t forget that VODKAPUNDIT promo code if you’ve been thinking of joining us.

Kevin Downey Jr: Nine Christmas Cocktails to Trigger the Libs. “I created these drinks with what I have in my bar. I should warn you, my apartment, the Atomic Bunker, has 18 “pandemic” months’ worth of clown juice lying around. I might have things you don’t. Also, I might have developed a drinking problem penchant.”

AJ Kaufman: Joe Manchin NEVER Planned to Support BBB: Here’s Why. “Now that Sen. Joe Manchin has finally crushed Pres. Joe Biden’s profligate spending package, it’s time for Democrats to stop bullying and perhaps try to understand why Manchin rightly was never going to vote for their radical ‘Build Back Better’ legislation.”

Yours Truly: RUN AWAY! Teachers Union Trying to Rewrite COVID School Closure History. “NYT’s Goldberg provided air cover for Weingarten’s claims as parents around the nation have had it up to here with closures and half days. When Goldberg was called out, Weingarten’s big-union machinery geared up into action on Monday to push the false narrative even harder.”

Also: Give the Gift of Truth This Christmas. “When you purchase VIP subscriptions for friends and loved ones, you’ll not only be directly supporting our mission, but they’ll get access to members-only articles, an ad-free experience, and exclusive members-only podcasts. VIP Gold members get all that, plus access to the VIP content on all of the sites in the Townhall Media family—Townhall, RedState, Twitchy, Hot Air, Bearing Arms, and, of course, PJ Media. In addition, VIP Gold members have the opportunity to participate in exclusive VIP live chats with our contributors.”