JOE CONCHA: Amid multiple crises, Biden runs to NBC’s safe space with Jimmy Fallon.

President Biden made his debut on NBC’s “The Tonight Show” with Jimmy Fallon on Friday night, which went exactly as expected for the embattled commander in chief.

Fallon did his job for Biden, which was to offer the president a friendly national platform without challenging him in any capacity.

At one point during the interview, Fallon allowed Biden to repeat his ludicrous claim regarding his proposed multi-trillion-dollar “Build Back Better” spending bill, which Biden still insists will cost “zero dollars.” The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said otherwise this week in estimating that it will add $3 trillion to the deficit. Yet here’s Biden pushing this blatant misinformation, because he knows he can, given the format, the host and the network.

At another point, Fallon cheered the president on, telling him, “You gotta keep your head down and keep doing the right thing,” while adding that he’s “bringing class back to the presidency.” Rachel Maddow or Joy Behar couldn’t have said it better.

Just think of late night comics as the Dems’ palace guard, and it all makes sense.