MORE LIKE THIS, PLEASE: Top Republican Pushes Congressional Witnesses To Disclose Foreign Influence.

Rep. Jim Banks (Ind.) on Tuesday introduced legislation that would require experts slated to give congressional testimony to disclose whether their employers accept foreign money. The proposal largely targets universities and think tanks, which provide a steady stream of expert witnesses for congressional foreign policy hearings.

While the bill would cover donations from all countries, Banks focuses on China, given the Communist regime’s significant funding for prominent Washington-based think tanks. The China-United States Exchange Foundation, an arm of the Chinese Communist Party, has in recent years donated millions of dollars to the Brookings Institution, the Center for American Progress, the Carter Center, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. CIA director William Burns, the former president of Carnegie, testified this year that he cut ties with the Exchange Foundation because of its efforts to malignly influence American policymakers.

I’d suggest bringing back the House Un-American Activities Committee, except that so many in Congress are already un-American.