CRISES BY DESIGN: Biden looking at shutting down another pipeline as winter approaches.

In the linked article, Politico repeats the lie that “presidents have little to no control over gas prices.” That used to be true back when OPEC effectively ruled the world. But only twelve months ago, the United States was a net exporter of oil and natural gas. When operating at capacity – which requires the cooperation of the government on a number of fronts – we have more than enough fuel to meet all of our needs. We’re just not doing what needs to be done to get it to all of the places where it’s needed. So yes, Joe Biden has significant (though not complete) control over energy prices.

It’s like we went to bed one night in one of the most dominant energy-producing countries in the world and woke up the next morning in the loony bin. But at least thus far, it appears that most of the mainstream media is once again going to give Biden a free pass and try to place the blame elsewhere. Someone should start a timer and see how long it takes before CNN blames the high prices on Trump.

Earlier: “Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm laughs when asked about Biden’s plans to bring gas prices down. ‘Ha ha ha. That is hilarious!'”