JIM TREACHER: Tiki Torches and “Let’s Go, Brandon”: The Dems Have Lost Their Minds.

Just in time for Halloween, a few young people decided to cosplay as Charlottesville Neo-Nazis, complete with tiki torches. They stood in front of Glenn Youngkin’s campaign bus and claimed to be his supporters. Y’know, like ya do.

And no, your eyes are not playing tricks on you:

A woman and a black guy. Even the Nazis are becoming more diverse these days!

And of course, they’re all wearing sunglasses while standing in the pouring rain. A brilliant disguise.

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Remember: All this fuss is because a pilot said “Let’s go, Brandon.”

One theory I’ve seen about all this hysteria is that the Dems have been able to play identity politics for over a decade — “If you disagree with our leaders, you just hate black people and/or women” — but now they’re stuck with an 80-year-old white dude in the Oval Office and they can’t adjust. Their usual games don’t work. They’ve just spent four years calling Republicans a bunch of old white people, and now they’re saddled with the oldest, whitest president in the history of the United States.

And of course, the media’s first impulse is to doxx the pilot — in mid-flight! “An AP reporter who happened to be on the plane bragged about nearly being kicked off of it for trying to get to the pilot through a locked cockpit…‘Also in defense of airline I was asking them to open locked cock pit [sic — Ed] and probably sounded insane!’ [Colleen Long] later stressed.”

As Clay Travis tweets, “The same blue check brigade members who have spent five years arguing Colin Kaepernick should be able to make political statements in uniform at work are demanding a Southwest Airlines pilot be fired for allegedly saying ‘Let’s go Brandon,’ on the plane PA.”