REALITY GIVES TATER COGNITIVE DISSONANCE: Bari Weiss Confronts Brian Stelter Over CNN’s Covid Lab Leak Theory Coverage in Tense Debate.

Stelter picked up on Weiss’ argument that the media is not “allowed” to pursue these topics, so he asked her “Who are the people stopping the conversation?”

That’s when Weiss called out CNN on Stelter’s show:

“People that work at networks like, frankly, like the one I’m speaking on right now,” she answered, “who try and claim that it was racist to investigate the lab leak theory.”

“But who said that at CNN?” Stelter countered. “When you say ‘allowed,’ I think it’s provocative thing to say. You say we’re not ‘allowed’ to talk about these things, but they’re all over the internet. I can Google them, find them everywhere, I’ve heard about every story you mentioned. Of course people are allowed to cover whatever you want to cover.”

Weiss retorted that it is “delusional” for the media to not acknowledge “an increasing number of subjects that have been deemed third rail by the mainstream institutions.”

Not least of which, CNN: CNN’s Smerconish complains of COVID lab leak theory ‘politics,’ despite network dismissing it for months. CNN published report in March of virologist saying lab leak theory was out of a ‘comic book.’