ROGER SIMON: Even in Red Tennessee Election Integrity an Uphill Battle.

Until we have elections trusted by the populace, we don’t have a country. And as of now, according to the polls, the people don’t.

In any case, the Tennessee Voters for Election Integrity did rather exhaustive research over their eleven months and presented the commission with a spiral-bound print-out plus Power Point not quite the size of your average Democratic Party infrastructure bill, but substantial. It includes considerable documentation. (Incidentally, they should put this online. All states could profit.)

A large number of complaints garnered from Tennessee citizens will not astonish readers at this point (i. e. Mail-in ballots are virtually impossible to police). They are a similar to those in John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky’s forthcoming (Nov. 2) “Our Broken Elections: How the Left Changed the Way You Vote” that I am half-way through in the advanced reader’s copy. No doubt much of it is also in Mollie Hemingway’s just published “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections,” next on my list.

Nevertheless, the Tennesse group had some principal findings. Their voters want to “minimize the proliferation of technology” and for the state to decertify DREs (Direct Recording Devices) and BMDs (Ballot Marking Devices) because both are too easily subject to hacking and manipulation of various sorts. They prefer optical scanners for “self-adjudication and tabulation of the vote.”

That would mean, of course, preservable paper ballots for all elections. They would want those watermarked as well and passed a sample to the commissioners and audience.

Paper ballots? That’s definitely a time-tested, Instapundit-approved idea.