MORE LIKE THIS, PLEASE: Professor Canceled by Woke Outrage Mob Has Last Laugh. “I’m pleased to announce that Dorian Abbot’s lecture on extrasolar planets, meant to be the 2021 Carlson Lecture at MIT (until MIT disgraced itself by yielding to pressure to cancel it), will be given at Princeton on the date it was to be given at MIT: Oct. 21…Score another one for the Good Guys, but wait, that’s not all. Professor Abbot ‘has been recognized as a Hero of Intellectual Freedom by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA).’ ACTA President Michael Poliakoff noted that: ‘In addition to his distinguished contributions to geophysical science, Dr. Abbot has rendered a service to the academy by challenging its reliance on criteria other than individual merit in student admissions and in faculty hiring. Like his work in natural science, his challenges to academic procedure call out for discussion, not a cowardly cancelation of an honor due to him for his scientific contributions. How sad that MIT, a world-famous place of science, cannot withstand a Twitter storm and live up to the ethic of science.’”