MICHAEL WALSH: With America Splitting, One Side Sees Treason as Highest Form of Patriotism.
Since the early 1970s, when the Baby Boomer acolytes of George McGovern took control of the Democrat Party, the Left has been telling us that “dissent is the highest form of patriotism.”
That is to say, the more strongly you oppose the policies and moral values of your country, the more you love it. Like a devoted parent disciplining a wayward child, you are only showing it tough love in order to correct its ways, “fundamentally transforming” it (as Barack Obama might say) in order to improve it.
For those of you who did not come of age during the 1960s, this is a sloganized version of Herbert Marcuse’s infamous notion of “Repressive Tolerance”: you must tolerate us when we are powerless but we most certainly will not tolerate you once we have seized power.
Read the whole thing.