CHAIN OF COMMAND: General Milley Often Went Rogue.

A witness from inside the administration has suggested that rogue behavior wasn’t abnormal for Milley.

E. Casey Wardynski, a former assistant secretary of the Army for manpower and reserve affairs, claimed that Milley — who, according to the book, “Peril,” by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, called his Chinese counterpart twice to tell him that the US would not attack Beijing — routinely violated the bounds of his authority.

Wardynski said Milley and chief of staff of the US Army Gen. James McConville engaged in a “pattern of behavior” to thwart President Donald Trump.

Wardynski also called Milley a bully who had no intention of supporting the president.

Milley’s job is to give advice and follow orders — not behave like the Woke version of a four-star Hollywood heavy.