THE L.A. TIMES KEEPS ROCKIN’! Smear Campaign Against Larry Elder Reveals Fraud by Woke Media:

Elder, who would have become the state’s first black governor had he won, was smeared continually by California media at the behest of the left in the most absurd and often quite offensive ways.

The Los Angeles Times ran an opinion column in August headlined “Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. You’ve been warned.” Another Los Angeles Times columnist linked Elder to the politics of David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan.

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It got worse.

Late in the campaign, Elder was subjected to an assault by an unidentified white woman in a gorilla mask who hurled an egg at him. It was a disgusting act.

Imagine, for a moment, that this identical attack had occurred against a black Democrat. Kyle Smith, writing for the New York Post, was spot on with this analysis:

We would be treated to multiple news analyses about the history of the usage of gorilla tropes against blacks. Joy-Ann Reid, Rachel Maddow and Don Lemon would be doing hour-long broadcasts on the attack, convening panels discussing just how the attack pulls the scab off racism in America, and proves we have so much work left to do in dealing with the problem. Vox would commission a series about California’s grim history of racism dating back to the Chinese Exclusion Act, and Asian-American and Latino writers would hasten to explain that California’s historic hostility to all sorts of persons of color is as traditional as its Tournament of Roses parade.


Just think of the L.A. Times as Democratic Party operatives with bylines, and it all makes sense.


(Classical reference in headline.)