MORE FAKE BUT TRUE (Update Edition): Ed Driscoll highlighted the Zero Hedge post showing that Rolling Stone f*cked up again, never bothering to check with the hospital if the doctor making these claims even worked there. (He doesn’t). But why let the facts get in the way with a hot take that aligns with your readers’ narratives?

RS did not correct or retract. Instead they ran an “update” that shows the central premise of the story is wrong. This should have been spiked. You’d think after they committed journalistic suicide falling for the UVA rape hoax, they’d have learned their lesson.

They won’t learn a damned thing, especially because this particular piece doesn’t really libel anyone, so absent the sting of damages, they’ll just keep on keepin’ on. So much for the first rule of the SPJ Code of Ethics: “Seek Truth and Report It.”